Our Kestrel House School Family Liaison, Sharon Manikham, has been working on engaging with families and doing joined up work with the families and school.
We have completed home visits with individual families and liaised with their local councils and social workers in order to get the families the support that they need.
- Thrive approach.
- Collaboration with the Well-Being Team to deliver PECs, Makaton and Thrive to all families.
- Fundraising events throughout the year.
- Referrals to CAMHS, Social Services and Housing Services.
- Families have been supported through home visits, phone calls and meetings in school.
- We have also explored options within the community in order to source resources for the children at school e.g. bikes, scooters and toys.
We have been working with our Speech and Language Therapist and we held a Kestrel Family Nest PECs event where families learnt how to use the communication system that the children use at Kestrel House School. We sent PECs visuals home for each family to enable communication with their child.
Family Liaison Officer
As a Family Liaison Officer, Sharon has an extensive knowledge in the field of Autism as well as the services and programmes that is available through Options Autism. She operates in close partnership with our current and prospective parents, Local Authorities, a network of Parent support groups as well as all Options Autism schools and residential settings.
Sharon’s knowledge and experience comes from years of teaching, both in special and mainstream settings from Nursery age through to Primary and Secondary age. She has done work in care provisions specialising in Autism, transition work as well as advising and setting up home based educational programmes.
As Family Liaison Officer, Sharon can offer you support and guidance on:
- Our Admissions Process
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals
- Funding and Signposting of Support groups